--DJ JIMM Bio--


From age 1 too 10 :I was Bad but I can`t tell anyone about all that!

From age 10 to 15:I started turning shy with girls and got in trouble with school principle I got cuaght screwing my gf on stage in auditorium behind the curtains..LOL

Then me a few of the boys went to school drunk I had a bad hangover and i was barfing in the bathroom and stayed in nurse's room sleeping it off. Then a month went by and I put a makeup case mirror in bottom of my sneaker to see up under girls dresses LOL.

and the girls cuaght me and raped me in the girls bathroom and female teacher caught me.

from age 15 to 18:I was working on a horse ranch guiding peoples on horse back after school except for near end of school for the summer I skipped out, I had got wind of 75 girls skipping school.

So i was sittng on a horse on bridal path waitng on them and instead wouldn't ya know the principle and english teacher showed up and I had on my shades and western hat,

As he asked me to take off my shades I couldn`t speak cuase he was my neighbor and new my voice so i took the shades off and he said MR DAMON I wanna see you in my office on monday.

So I went home and told my mom what happened and I was 17 and she signed for me to quit school but there was only 2 days left till school ended for the year,and on tuesday I went in school told all my buddy's I had to quit school to help mom pay bill's.

I already had a job as a laborer buildng new homes to which paid great money back then I earned 350.00 each week, then after 3 yrs of working with my boss he asked me if I wanted to learn how to read blue prints I said yes and after 2 yrs of building walls and and putting

foundations together the boss retired and I took over for 5 yrs.

from age 18 too 27: I was doing great with building new homes and sorta staying outta trouble I met my first wife that lasted 1 1/2 yrs then came the marjuanna and all kinds of weed,mushrooms,and acid and it was in fall of the year I laid everyone off for the winter.

I came to Florida and met up with some new friends,and we all got high alot.I had 38000.00 bucks saved up in moms name so ex wife couldn't find it we got divorced,and I got wind from a cop friend we were all going to get hit in the middle of a drug bust,

so we all scattered I came back to Pennsylvania and I met my 2nd wife and after 3 months I got married again LOL but her parents hated me they were all strick catholic`s,and I was baptist.

from age 28 to 40:I asked my wife if we could have a son and we tried,but no so I was drinking pretty heavy,and I met 3 young ladies they wanted my help so I was their Pimp for 2 yrs,and I found out my wife got pregnant so I straightened my life out went from building homes to just renovating them.

from age 41 to now: I quit drinking and doing drugs raised my son im very proud of he don`t drink or do drugs n has a great family.That`s the end of my life for now:

That`s the end of my life for now


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